The iceburg is used so frequently as motivation and analogies - so allow me a moment to use the overused analogy of the iceburg again... :)
You can only see the very tip of the iceburg; below the part we see above water are miles and miles of ice that support the tip of the little portion we do see. Hence the phrase, the "tip of the iceburg" usually used when describing just the beginning of something. As in, his drinking was just the tip of the iceburg in the murder of his wife - there were many more underlying problems that we didn't see.
To take a twist, our relationship with God is like an iceburg thank goodness! We see just the tip that God allows us to see. That's our extent and vision of life. But, God knows and sees the whole big picture! Would we want to see the whole thing at once? At first response, yeah, show me all that is going to happen... but, think about the last 10 or 15 years of your life. I know for us, we've faced some pretty tough things. I don't know that if God had told me everything we would struggle through and face that I'd want to go forward. Of course there are so many blessings, but often the fear of the bad can overcome the reward of the good, can't it? God, in His wisdom, only allows us to see the tip of the iceburg, just a tip of life. We have to trust that God sees the whole big picture and knows what's best.
That is a picture of our life lately... going back to teaching is not at all how I wanted God to answer our prayer about these houses and our financial situation. But, God sees the big picture. He knows all! I know this is where He has placed me at this time also because once I surrendered to that choice, He has opened doors quickly for me and blessed this search and the timing. God is so good. He is not our genie in the bottle, thank goodness, because just as the old show demonstrated, we would mess up life in a heartbeat wishing for things and getting them at our heart's desires... Here's a copy of the email I sent out:
Hey, I had gotten the job offer and accepted over the weekend, but the principal had said she just had to make sure she could actually hire me. There were teachers displaced from other schools from low numbers and they had to get placed first before they could hire someone new. I was still kind of wondering... I talked to admin yesterday and am going in to do paperwork tomorrow, and I worked on my room for a few minutes yesterday and met my team. So, I'm in! It's a fourth grade position which will be a change from my middle school background.
God has worked things out so smoothly! Here are some of the ways God has confirmed this choice in my life:
I decided on Wednesday to go back to teaching, by that afternoon I had gotten two phone calls and one email wanting me to interview. Twenty seven hours after deciding on Wednesday to go for a job, I had an offer. Twelve hours after that I accepted! So, within about 48 hours, I had a job two weeks into the school year. That's only God!
The principal is the wife of one of my high school teachers whom I really respected. She is a Christian, and she recognizes the importance of family. During the interview I told her I would want to come early and leave almost as soon as school is over unless there's a meeting or something special going on. She confirmed that she did the same when she had little ones, and even later she talked about traffic and said if I left somewhere between 3:15 and 3:45, I'd get home in plenty of time. School gets out at 3. For a principal to say you can leave within 15 minutes of school releasing is huge. Most principals really have some expectations about being there and putting in a lot of time. She is very laid back, and doesn't make us even turn in lesson plans - that is HUGE for a elementary school especially. Her philosophy of being a principal is that she will be around observing, but as long as I am in my classroom d oing my job, she is not going to micromanage. But, she'll be there anytime if I want her to observe a child or ask advice. This is like the IDEAL principal. And other teachers have confirmed this without me even bringing up the subject. That is only God!
In talking to my team yesterday, both women are moms and the other member is a guy on his second year of teaching. All were so willing to help out with whatever even offering to decorate my bulletin boards for me! (I'm going to do it myself, but still a nice offer). One of the teachers has a student teacher, and she is already going to make my copies and plans for me next week and have them ready. That same teacher encouraged me not to stay long after school when I told her Katie Beth and Everett's ages. She encouraged me to go home ASAP and to not take work home - to find a way during the day to get it done. To be on a team where people don't all stay after school to plan is huge. And taking out the "competitiveness" on some teams of look how much I got done last night and how late I stayed up is so refreshing. That's only God!
Our biggest concern were the kids. We had Tues, Thurs covered, and I "happened" to find the one of the few programs in Hendersonville that does MW and they "happened" to have a spot for each of them! THEN we were worried about trying to find a student who could come over for a couple of hours after MDO until we got home. We were worried about finding someone mature enough that we trusted, and we hoped for someone who could help pick up the kids to take some pressure off of Jason. His cousin's wife, Lori, who we know so well, has spent lots of time with our family and our kids, and I would trust to take our kids to the end of the earth is going to keep them!! (She's going to try it for a while to make sure it works schedule wise, but it gets us through the beginning if nothing else! And she can start this week!) We have no fears or worries about their care! That's only God!
I was talking to Carrie Sunday night and she asked when I started actually teaching. Most of the time in a situation like this they want you in the classroom ASAP. I did this my first year teaching and had about a day to get ready. I told Carrie my ideal would be to start the Tuesday after Labor Day, but I knew that wouldn't happen. Sure enough, the next day I got the email that I start the Tuesday after Labor Day! That gives a full week to transition the kids and get my room ready and spend time with my Mamaw as she comes in this weekend. That's only God!
I know this has been long, but I just see so clearly God's hand in this. I have been feeling I needed to go back to teach for a while, but I attributed it to my own stress and my own desire to fix things. It's so amazing to me how God has just confirmed all of this in my heart as soon as I surrendered. I don't understand why God has called me away from the home for now, but I believe whole-heartedly that this is where He has called me for now. I'm looking at the school as my mission field and just want to find a way I can share Christ in my new environment!
Thank you for all the prayers, and please continue them. I have no doubt that God has heard and has responded in a mighty way through this. Every aspect of this, outside of leaving my babies and the drive, is absolutely ideal. Praise God and thank you to each of you. Pray for the next couple of weeks as our family transitions from a one parent working family to a two parent working family. It has changed our entire family dynamic in just one day!
I love you!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Crazy Tom! If you haven't heard, Paramount Pictures "separated"/FIRED Tom Cruise this week. The news station I watched claimed that Paramount was separating due to the low turnout to MI3. They listed three events that they believed led to the turnout - 1) his antics on the Today show, 2) his extreme involvement in Scientology (I'm sure it's not quite this way, but as a Christian, I think it is great that any organization in Hollywood stands up to say that they disagree with a star's involvement in Scientology - especially a star as visible as Tom Cruise), and 3) his whole Oprah aerobics (aerobics is my term, they actually said jumping on the couch...). I think this is great.
I personally used to LOVE Tom Cruise and couldn't watch enough Top Gun, Rain Man, and whatever else he's in. I feel he's gone off the deep end, and it's nice to see that someone is standing up to him. I think most people, even Matt Lauer, are tired of him. And, he ruined Katie Holmes, who I loved but now wonder what's in that pretty little head of hers to fall for such a bozo and put up with all that weirdo stuff... It almost wants me to break my South Park ban just to watch that episode.
Anyway, go Paramount!
But, of course, I'm reminded that we should pray for the guy as well as all of the people in Hollywood. We should also pray for our congressmen and politicians to be strong against being influenced by celebrities. I just saw a news clip that Tom was in Washington this week lobbying or pushing or doing something to promote Scientology. Let's pray for our lawmakers to be wary of these agendas.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Another update as well. My stepmom wrote me to say that the IL house is now being taken off the market for 6 months. Someone wants to buy it. They can't buy it right now, but they do want to rent it out for the time prior to buying it. It will cover most of the mortgage. This is not a direct financial impact for us, but a huge load off of our minds especially for them as they've bent over backwards to help us and support us in this situation. And, it's a reminder that God is working and moving even as we send out prayer request emails! Thanks God!
Well, today has been an interesting day! I had prayed for a position in Sumner County, but it doesn't appear that is going to happen for many various reasons. I was going to sub there until I found a position, but Jason worked it out that subbing minus childcare and taxes would be a net of about $300-400 - not worth working everyday.
I had sent my resume to a friend of mine in Metro - actually she was one of my kindergarten teachers, she worked with my mom, and Jason taught with her. She was actually very encouraging to him when we were being called into the ministry. She just randomly asked Jason one day if he had ever thought about going into ministry. We had talked about it, but just hadn't shared that. Her confirming what we were praying about was clearly God speaking to us in one of his many, many ways. This was in the midst of studying Experiencing God also for those of you familiar with that study. If you haven't taken it, it is I'd say one of the top, if not the top, studies I would recommend. It is life-changing.
Anyway, so yesterday at 11:00ish we decided to pursue this. Several people helped me to try and get positions in Sumner to no avail which wasn't a huge surprise. But, I happened to email our friend on the day they were meeting to look at what schools needed reshifting. By this morning I had gotten one email and two phone calls requesting an interview. I looked up some information on each, talked to some friends, and went to one of the interviews. By 5:00 this afternoon, I have the job if I want it!!!!!!!!! What a praise!!!!!!!!!! The only struggle is that it is a 30 minute drive. But, everything else seems to fit perfectly.
I haven't accepted yet, but I will let you know more details when I get confirmation. Jason and I have prayed and talked about it tonight, and we feel it's the best thing to do. I have mixed emotions. I'm sad at the change with the time with my kids, and I'm apprehensive about working out all the childcare details. I know that these are just minor things for God. I'm excited about getting back into teaching minus the sadness about the kids. If I'm going to do ANYTHING, teaching is my passion, third to Christ and my family. So, that will be neat. And I'm terrified. Two years doesn't seem much to be out of the classroom, but it seems like eons right now! The thought of getting a room completely ready in a week or less time - whoo! But, I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me.
So, thanks to all that have prayed. God definitely showed me favor in finding something so quickly and such a good situation. What a blessing. Thank you Lord!
I also heard this song today and thought it was a great fit for my emotions. It's by Casting Crowns:
"Praise You In This Storm"
I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen",
and it's still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember whenI stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
What a blessing - I heard it on the way to my interview today! My heart is torn in this situation, but I am praising God! And the ability to praise Him comes from Him! My faith has grown extraordinarily through this situation.
I had sent my resume to a friend of mine in Metro - actually she was one of my kindergarten teachers, she worked with my mom, and Jason taught with her. She was actually very encouraging to him when we were being called into the ministry. She just randomly asked Jason one day if he had ever thought about going into ministry. We had talked about it, but just hadn't shared that. Her confirming what we were praying about was clearly God speaking to us in one of his many, many ways. This was in the midst of studying Experiencing God also for those of you familiar with that study. If you haven't taken it, it is I'd say one of the top, if not the top, studies I would recommend. It is life-changing.
Anyway, so yesterday at 11:00ish we decided to pursue this. Several people helped me to try and get positions in Sumner to no avail which wasn't a huge surprise. But, I happened to email our friend on the day they were meeting to look at what schools needed reshifting. By this morning I had gotten one email and two phone calls requesting an interview. I looked up some information on each, talked to some friends, and went to one of the interviews. By 5:00 this afternoon, I have the job if I want it!!!!!!!!! What a praise!!!!!!!!!! The only struggle is that it is a 30 minute drive. But, everything else seems to fit perfectly.
I haven't accepted yet, but I will let you know more details when I get confirmation. Jason and I have prayed and talked about it tonight, and we feel it's the best thing to do. I have mixed emotions. I'm sad at the change with the time with my kids, and I'm apprehensive about working out all the childcare details. I know that these are just minor things for God. I'm excited about getting back into teaching minus the sadness about the kids. If I'm going to do ANYTHING, teaching is my passion, third to Christ and my family. So, that will be neat. And I'm terrified. Two years doesn't seem much to be out of the classroom, but it seems like eons right now! The thought of getting a room completely ready in a week or less time - whoo! But, I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me.
So, thanks to all that have prayed. God definitely showed me favor in finding something so quickly and such a good situation. What a blessing. Thank you Lord!
I also heard this song today and thought it was a great fit for my emotions. It's by Casting Crowns:
"Praise You In This Storm"
I was sure by now
That You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen",
and it's still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear Your whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm
I remember whenI stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away
I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
What a blessing - I heard it on the way to my interview today! My heart is torn in this situation, but I am praising God! And the ability to praise Him comes from Him! My faith has grown extraordinarily through this situation.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Here's a copy of the email I sent out today to our praying friends - thank God for praying friends! Today has been a really hard emotional day!
Hi prayer warriors -
As most of you know, we have had a lot of trouble selling our house in TX. This has been a huge financial burden, but we've had it on the market all summer hoping it would sell. Through some research I did this week, we found out that due to the market in that neighborhood/area, the listing prices of the houses has dropped considerably. There are four other houses exactly like ours, all priced at least 10,000 cheaper than ours on down to 37,000 cheaper than ours. There are about fifteen houses total of comparable size (or even larger) that are all cheaper than ours. We cannot rent the house out to cover the mortgage either. The rent we could even hope to get someone in at would mean us losing about $500 a month with no guarantees at the end of the leasing period that the housing situation had rebounded. Our debt situation during these past two years has grown considerably worse trying to cover all the bases of two houses. We are to the point that something must be done. We are going to drop the price of our house to try to be competitive. If it sells at this listing price, we will have to come up with at least 9000 at closing. And there are still other houses 20,000 below that prices so we may have to drop it further.
We feel convicted not to turn to short sale or foreclosure or bankruptcy at this time. ("The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously." Ps 37:21 Also Prov 22:7, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." and Luke 16:10, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldy wealth, who will trust you with true riches?") This is a hard decision as just giving in would be the best case scenario for just us. Unless we are led to do otherwise, we are going to move forward with trying to sell.
As a side note, my dad is still paying for the IL house. It has still not sold either. They are having to reduce the price on it considerably as well and are facing a loss.
The point of all this is obviously a request for prayer for both of the houses.
However, my biggest request at this time is, due to our situation, we feel that we have no other choice than for me to go back to work. Unfortunately, I held out too long and didn't apply to school systems earlier this summer - we kept praying the situation would improve. At very least, I am going to try to substitute every day. I am looking at Metro and Sumner county right now for options. The ideal situation would be for me to find a teaching job. This would give me the most income for the time spent away from the kids. Obviously it is into the school year, but we are praying with classes reshuffling, numbers, etc. that there will be a need to hire some more teachers at this time. I would prefer to teach in Sumner County to be closer, but I am looking at Metro as well. Please pray that God will grant me favor in finding a position. I know some people in Metro Schools, but I don't know anyone of infl uence in Sumner County schools. So, if someone knows someone who knows someone or if anyone hears of a position open, please let me know. Just pray for God's favor in this area specifically.
I have enrolled the kids in Tuesday Thursday MDO at Long Hollow, and today I enrolled them in Monday Wednesday classes for MDO at Bluegrass Baptist. This would give us more flexibility than a daycare with Jason being off on Friday and summers off for me. Also childcare will only be about $450 as opposed to $800 or so in a traditional daycare and in a Christian atmosphere. The challenge to this plan is the hours of MDO are 9 or 9:30 until 2 or 2:30. Pray that Jason and I can work our schedules out as far as being able to get the kids to and from school. Pray mostly for my heart as I am giving up being a full-time mom. This is truly my passion, but I pray that God will allow us to get this situation under control within a short time so that I can go back to my role as MOM! I know ultimately that my children are His children first and foremost. I know He has their welfare and best interest at even a highe r priority than I, and wiht so much greater wisdom. Pray for the kids' adjustment in this area as well. I don't know how they'll do with being away four days a week in addition to our regular Sunday schedules. I especially worry about Everett. Maybe I worry more about my attachment to him being so young... :) Kids are often more resilient than we give them credit for. Also pray that I am able to reshift all the commitments in my life to make room and time for both our family and work and my commitments at church.
I know many of you have heard about the house situation until you are sick of it. I'm sorry to go on about it again. I just so cherish anyone's prayers I can get right now. I do pray that in a great way, God will be able to be glorified in this. I read a section in a book Wendy Taylor gave several of us entitled Come Away My Beloved by Frances J Roberts. It has been such a blessing. The section is based on James 1:5 and goes as follows:
My child, do not expect the trials to be lighter than in the past. Why should you think the tests would be less severe? I test all things, and there are ares of your life that as yet I have not touched. Do not look for respite. The days ahead may call for greater endurance and more robust faith than you ever needed before. Welcome this, for you must surely know how precious are the lessons learned through such experiences. Even if you are unable to fully anticipate them with joy, you can certainly gain an appropriate appreciation of them in retrospect.
Apply your heart to learn wisdom. This goal transcends every other aim, and any other good that comes out of a pressure period is an added blessing in excess.
Seek Me above all else.
Our journey with God through our calling has been one of struggles, sometimes uncertainty at what He is doing or seems not to be doing, but praise God that He always gives JOY! Psalm 84:10 says, "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." No matter what trials we face in the courts of God, one day is better than thousands and thousands elsewhere! (Now pray that I can keep this attitude all the time!!) :)
Thanks again for your prayers in advance. Sorry for the long email. I love all of you.
Sarah Underhill
Hi prayer warriors -
As most of you know, we have had a lot of trouble selling our house in TX. This has been a huge financial burden, but we've had it on the market all summer hoping it would sell. Through some research I did this week, we found out that due to the market in that neighborhood/area, the listing prices of the houses has dropped considerably. There are four other houses exactly like ours, all priced at least 10,000 cheaper than ours on down to 37,000 cheaper than ours. There are about fifteen houses total of comparable size (or even larger) that are all cheaper than ours. We cannot rent the house out to cover the mortgage either. The rent we could even hope to get someone in at would mean us losing about $500 a month with no guarantees at the end of the leasing period that the housing situation had rebounded. Our debt situation during these past two years has grown considerably worse trying to cover all the bases of two houses. We are to the point that something must be done. We are going to drop the price of our house to try to be competitive. If it sells at this listing price, we will have to come up with at least 9000 at closing. And there are still other houses 20,000 below that prices so we may have to drop it further.
We feel convicted not to turn to short sale or foreclosure or bankruptcy at this time. ("The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously." Ps 37:21 Also Prov 22:7, "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." and Luke 16:10, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldy wealth, who will trust you with true riches?") This is a hard decision as just giving in would be the best case scenario for just us. Unless we are led to do otherwise, we are going to move forward with trying to sell.
As a side note, my dad is still paying for the IL house. It has still not sold either. They are having to reduce the price on it considerably as well and are facing a loss.
The point of all this is obviously a request for prayer for both of the houses.
However, my biggest request at this time is, due to our situation, we feel that we have no other choice than for me to go back to work. Unfortunately, I held out too long and didn't apply to school systems earlier this summer - we kept praying the situation would improve. At very least, I am going to try to substitute every day. I am looking at Metro and Sumner county right now for options. The ideal situation would be for me to find a teaching job. This would give me the most income for the time spent away from the kids. Obviously it is into the school year, but we are praying with classes reshuffling, numbers, etc. that there will be a need to hire some more teachers at this time. I would prefer to teach in Sumner County to be closer, but I am looking at Metro as well. Please pray that God will grant me favor in finding a position. I know some people in Metro Schools, but I don't know anyone of infl uence in Sumner County schools. So, if someone knows someone who knows someone or if anyone hears of a position open, please let me know. Just pray for God's favor in this area specifically.
I have enrolled the kids in Tuesday Thursday MDO at Long Hollow, and today I enrolled them in Monday Wednesday classes for MDO at Bluegrass Baptist. This would give us more flexibility than a daycare with Jason being off on Friday and summers off for me. Also childcare will only be about $450 as opposed to $800 or so in a traditional daycare and in a Christian atmosphere. The challenge to this plan is the hours of MDO are 9 or 9:30 until 2 or 2:30. Pray that Jason and I can work our schedules out as far as being able to get the kids to and from school. Pray mostly for my heart as I am giving up being a full-time mom. This is truly my passion, but I pray that God will allow us to get this situation under control within a short time so that I can go back to my role as MOM! I know ultimately that my children are His children first and foremost. I know He has their welfare and best interest at even a highe r priority than I, and wiht so much greater wisdom. Pray for the kids' adjustment in this area as well. I don't know how they'll do with being away four days a week in addition to our regular Sunday schedules. I especially worry about Everett. Maybe I worry more about my attachment to him being so young... :) Kids are often more resilient than we give them credit for. Also pray that I am able to reshift all the commitments in my life to make room and time for both our family and work and my commitments at church.
I know many of you have heard about the house situation until you are sick of it. I'm sorry to go on about it again. I just so cherish anyone's prayers I can get right now. I do pray that in a great way, God will be able to be glorified in this. I read a section in a book Wendy Taylor gave several of us entitled Come Away My Beloved by Frances J Roberts. It has been such a blessing. The section is based on James 1:5 and goes as follows:
My child, do not expect the trials to be lighter than in the past. Why should you think the tests would be less severe? I test all things, and there are ares of your life that as yet I have not touched. Do not look for respite. The days ahead may call for greater endurance and more robust faith than you ever needed before. Welcome this, for you must surely know how precious are the lessons learned through such experiences. Even if you are unable to fully anticipate them with joy, you can certainly gain an appropriate appreciation of them in retrospect.
Apply your heart to learn wisdom. This goal transcends every other aim, and any other good that comes out of a pressure period is an added blessing in excess.
Seek Me above all else.
Our journey with God through our calling has been one of struggles, sometimes uncertainty at what He is doing or seems not to be doing, but praise God that He always gives JOY! Psalm 84:10 says, "Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked." No matter what trials we face in the courts of God, one day is better than thousands and thousands elsewhere! (Now pray that I can keep this attitude all the time!!) :)
Thanks again for your prayers in advance. Sorry for the long email. I love all of you.
Sarah Underhill
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Cute house huh? It's ours! Unfortunately, it's in Texas! We've moved from TX over two years ago now. This great house is unfortunately the death of us right now. Not literally speaking of course, but it is making life tough.
More on this later...
Honestly, the hardest part for me has not been the financial aspect, although it's been incredibly tough. The hardest part is sorting through unanswered prayers. Now, as the great theologian Garth Brooks wrote (ha ha), one of God's greatest gifts is unanswered prayers. I don't agree with all the song lyrics, but it is great that God doesn't just give us what we want when we want it. He is the perfect parent and doesn't say no 50 times and then give in to a whiney 3 year old (or 30 year old). As a parent knows that it would not be best to give his or her child sugar before bedtime, let him play with knives, or walk in the parking lot "by myself" as they so often request, God knows even better what we do and don't need. So, many times the best thing for us He can do is say no.
I do believe with all my heart that God's timing is best. I do pray that He will be made known through this situation. But, as a whiney almost 30 year old who's just tired of struggling through this, I just want it to sell and be done with it so we can move on with our lives. We call God "Father", and there are many verses that talk about our "sonship" and how we are "adopted" if we have accepted Christ. Using the Father analogy, I feel like I'm in a family where there are a whole bunch of kids asking for things. Some kids ask for huge, amazing things and get them, others ask for simple things and don't get them, but their prayer gets answered in some other way. I, on my stressed out days, feel like I'm the only kid behind all the other kids going, "Hey, Dad, don't want anything amazing, just for a house to sell. Don't want to be a millionnaire, just want to get out of debt. Hey! God! Over here!" And not only is He not granting our request, but the situation gets worse and worse! Just when I think it can't get worse, it gets 10 times worse!
So, the point of this blog is not that I'm whining (I promise), but it's my version of the answer to the question, "Why keep praying for something when God doesn't seem to be answering? What makes me keep the faith here?" Obviously because the Bible tells us so. I can give myself all the right answers. I'm great at counseling and encouraging people through problems I think. I know it backwards and forwards in my head. But, how do you get it into your heart?
I've just studied and studied, and I'm still in the process of doing so. I'm currently going through the study Disciple's Prayer Life which is great. God is really using it to speak to me. God has given me so much scripture! I am going to share more of that tomorrow.
But, one of the greatest encouragements is other people. Just in the past few days, we have had probably five or six different, random people come up and ask about the house situation and remind us they are praying for us. That's so amazing! Up until this point we haven't said anything and haven't sent out prayer requests. What an encouragement that people keep our situation on their hearts. That's volumes of God's grace. That's a reminder that He's there.
Other reminders come in still quiet voices - one day I was doing my quiet time just frustrated about everything and pouring my heart out to God. I was journaling like madness, and I had muted the TV which is unusual since I turn it off. It was Sportscenter or something - no temptation for me to watch. But, I happened to glance up at one point while I was thinking/praying, and stuck on the screen was the closed captioning. There was only one phrase, and it said "He loves you." Again, it was sportscenter - doubtful that phrase would be used. Then it was commercial after commercial after commercial. And it stayed stuck up there. Sportscenter came back on, and it still stayed for a few minutes. I believe with all my heart that was a physical reminder from God.
When we were praying about moving back to TN, it was a really tough decision. We came to the decision time, and we just prayed that God would show us clearly. As Jason and I prayed in the middle of the night, we were able to come up with literally 20+ ways that God had been pointing us towards TN. Looking back, the signs were so clear. It gave us such peace to make our decision not understanding everything but being able to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was calling us clearly.
And, my biggest reminder of all is to reflect back upon my salvation. I was saved at the age of 6, but it took me years to figure out what a commitment to Christ was. At times, the only evidence of Christ in my life was the inner conviction I felt and shoved down as much as possible. That and the divine protection He gave me. But, when I truly surrendered actual control of my life to Christ at 19, my life turned completely around. That turning point could only be attributed to Christ's power - let me tell you!
It's such a sweet blessing to smell the fragrance of God's loving arms around you. There is nothing better in this world. If you are reading this and trying to get through life without Christ, I encourage you to give it up! And, if you are a Christian struggling through a tough situation, God is there.
One verse commonly misunderstood (in my humble opinion) is Rom 8:28, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him." People often take this verse as a name it and claim it verse. All things turn out good. What we often forget in praying is that what may be "good" for us is not necessarily what we are praying for. Often what is best for us is a lesson learned in humility or about God's faithfulness or serving as a witness for someone else.
God has a kingdom perspective, and His goal is to make us more like Christ. Not to make us prosper, not to make us happy, and not to live long lives. God's purpose for us is to glorify him!!! We can best glorify him by being more Christ-like. And, it takes a lot of molding and pushing and forming to accomplish that. Thus, painful times... :)
I've rambled again, but I'm allowed to, it's my blog! :) I just get so excited about anticipating what God is going to do and especially when I sense his presence!
Pray for our house and wisdom!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Originality - seems hard to come by lately, huh? If only we all had the courage to go through our day as a three-year old (minus the sassiness and whinies because then the world might self-destruct). How valuable the knowledge that we are beautiful, the courage to wear what we want to wear when we want to wear it, the freedom to sing out loud or dance or say what's on our mind, the innocence with no standards to live up to.
Okay, let me back up....
This is one of those moments, for those of you at LHBC, as Bro David said yesterday was a "No way" moment for me. Now, this is nowhere NEAR the same subject of racism - this is an everyday no way. I just thought I'd share in my incredulity!
Featured today on Talk of the Town - I know some of you are watchers - was a story about eyelash extensions - not the kind that comes in a set, but you can now apparently go to a salon and get individual synthetic eyelashes put on. Yep, one eyelash at a time glued onto an existing eyelash. The "problem" that encouraged the show's model to come in was that she was already coming in every TWO WEEKS to have her eyelashes PERMED and TINTED, but her eyelashes still just didn't look quite right. So, OBVIOUSLY she "HAD" to get the eyelash extensions. The model had her eyes taped down, and the lady doing the process said it is usually a two hour process depending on how many lashes you want. I missed if they said something about the price, and I looked up online and found a whole blog on this type of stuff. Here's what one woman said:
"Once women get over the amazement of my eyelash extensions, I am bombarded with questions about the process. Is it painful? No, not at all. You are required to sit still with your eyes closed for at least two hours--a nice little zen meditation except you awake with long, beautiful lashes. Is it expensive? Yes. We paid $250 for ours. Some practitioners charge as little as $75 but we wanted an absolute perfectionist so we paid more. How long does it last? Extensions begin falling out at the end of the second week, which is why you need to ... go back for touch ups every 2-3 weeks if you want your extensions to last. Are eyelash extensions for everyone? Not really, especially if you're a low maintenance, sporty gal. The lashes require a lot of attention. You don't want to sleep on them wrong and you can't get them wet the first two days. No mascara is allowed as well as any oil based makeup remover. But the good news is the lashes are so full and long that you will look fabulous without makeup."
Prices seemed to range from about $100 to $350 or so. And refills every two weeks are around $50 to even $150 or so!!! Here's another consumer:
"Help! I got eyelash extensions done 3 days ago and they are already falling out! I paid $350 thinking i was getting the best. I don't understand. My eyelashes were really short to begin with (that's why i got extensions) so i began to think thats why they are falling out...but then iread how people had no lashes at all and they work perfectly! I really need them refilled (and actually look good) by sept. 8th. Another thing is why do they hang so low in front of my eyes (they're always poking me!) And i can't curl them cause they'll break and i cant wear mascara cause they'll break. ANYONE just pleaseee help me out!"
There were all of these posts from women all over the country looking for salons that would do this process for them. There was even a post from someone in South Africa saying they were investigating the process. Apparently it started with - of all people - Paris Hilton. Enough said as far as I'm concerned.
Now I for one am not into big beauty procedures of any sort. For one, I'd much rather spend my money on other things, and I believe God would have me do the same. Two, I truly believe that one of the best ways I can glorify God, his creativity, and his power is to try and keep my body in the best, natural shape possible.
For those of you that know me, I've got some work to do on the "best shape" part. I'm finished nursing Everett now, so I'm planning on really concentrating on my own health this fall and hopefully getting into better shape - more on that later, I'm sure. But, I really think people's unique features, often features that people seek to hide, are what makes us interesting.
I can see the arguments of highlights, hair coloring, makeup, etc being used to enhance what you already have. I wear lip gloss and mascara to go out, and I'll wear blush in the winter when I look washed out. I know other people wear more because of various skin issues. I am all for undergarments that hold things in place. I'm even trying some "special" face wash and moisturizer right now from a main cosmetics company. It cost more than my oil of olay and regular soap, but the lady had asked and asked and they were having a sale - I finally gave in. It broke me out, but she said that happens the first couple of weeks because it's pulling all the bad stuff up from under your skin. Sounds crazy to me, but whatever.
It does really bother me though when "skin care salespeople" push erratically overpriced products under the guise of being "for your skin" when they are in pursuit of a car, a vacation, or whatever the promotion of their company of the month is. Now, I have friends that sell products from various major companies (BeautiControl, MaryKay, Arbonne, Avon, etc) and most are pretty respectful once I've said no. I don't have a problem with people having something to work for. I do dislike when the salepeople (or whatever their PC word is) have the wrong motives. My issue is with women preying on other women's insecurities of their skin not looking just right or not being healthy enough or AGH!!! using regular soap on your face (apparently a huge sin in the life of cosmetics). I understand people having problems and needing something to help. But, I find that in many cases, the people selling the products cannot look at my skin and tell me what's best or how to enhance this or that. Most of them have signed on because they want income they can get at home, and it promises new cars and exotic vacations. Which is fine, IF you have the passion to help people as your priority. I don't find that to be the case most of the time. Aside from that, I don't think anyone needs to spend $40 on a blush set or a "toner" to look beautiful. I truly appreciate natural beauty in people and hate to see it covered up with so much gunk! I just disagree! But, I am willing to agree to disagree on issues like these - to each her own.
But, paying $300 to put on eyelashes??? A) Who really notices your eyelashes that closely? Maybe not being a "makeup" kind of girl, I just don't get it. But, $300 on eyelashes??? And to have to go back and spend two hours every two weeks with your eyes taped down and pay $100 or so to refill them?? Every two weeks? NO WAY! but more importantly B) How does someone get to the point of feeling so badly about their own appearance that they've nitpicked down to their eyelashes aren't long enough? And, that it's somehow worth $300 plus around $150 a month to fix those horrible eyelashes. My goodness, I can only guess at the other procedures they have done.
Last but not least, and this has been said over and over, and I'll say it again - what in the WORLD are we teaching our young, impressionable teenage girls in this society?? I taught seventh grade girls last year and have tenth grade girls this year in connect groups. I've worked with youth at church since I was married, and I taught school for five years. My heart hurts to see the lengths some of them go to in order to look the part. They are so beautiful simply because of their youth, yet many of them can't see past what's not pasted onto their face.
All this to say that I really just encourage anyone reading to be yourself. Whether it be in how you fix your hair, what you wear on your face, your clothes, or the way you talk, walk, or laugh - be yourself! I know it's an easier message to preach than follow, but I think it is so much more freeing to just let go of all of those expectations and society's pre-determined standards. I think if there is anything I want to teach both my son and daughter, it's to be comfortable in their own skin. How to do that I'm not quite sure - I've got some time to figure it out, but I want to surround them with people who are confident with their own looks and personality as well.
I'll leave you with this: 1 Timothy 2:9-10 "I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for a woman who PROFESS to worship God." Now, I have braids in my hair right now (and was thrilled to notice today that it is finally long enough to braid again). The point is not that it's unbiblical to want to look nice. The point is that we as women, as Christian women that is, should be more conscious of putting on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control than we should of anything else. Don't try to gain respect, favor, or even self-esteem by your outside appearance. If you appear beautiful on the outside, please be beautiful on the inside as well. The best way to do that is spending time with Christ daily. Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
I'm not speaking from a perspective that I have this all down, and I have plenty of work to do myself. Just an encouragement to us all, and a laugh at $350+ eyelashes. I'm sure others of you have different perspectives to share as well! Bring 'em!
Going to assess my measly eyelashes,
This is one of those moments, for those of you at LHBC, as Bro David said yesterday was a "No way" moment for me. Now, this is nowhere NEAR the same subject of racism - this is an everyday no way. I just thought I'd share in my incredulity!
Featured today on Talk of the Town - I know some of you are watchers - was a story about eyelash extensions - not the kind that comes in a set, but you can now apparently go to a salon and get individual synthetic eyelashes put on. Yep, one eyelash at a time glued onto an existing eyelash. The "problem" that encouraged the show's model to come in was that she was already coming in every TWO WEEKS to have her eyelashes PERMED and TINTED, but her eyelashes still just didn't look quite right. So, OBVIOUSLY she "HAD" to get the eyelash extensions. The model had her eyes taped down, and the lady doing the process said it is usually a two hour process depending on how many lashes you want. I missed if they said something about the price, and I looked up online and found a whole blog on this type of stuff. Here's what one woman said:
"Once women get over the amazement of my eyelash extensions, I am bombarded with questions about the process. Is it painful? No, not at all. You are required to sit still with your eyes closed for at least two hours--a nice little zen meditation except you awake with long, beautiful lashes. Is it expensive? Yes. We paid $250 for ours. Some practitioners charge as little as $75 but we wanted an absolute perfectionist so we paid more. How long does it last? Extensions begin falling out at the end of the second week, which is why you need to ... go back for touch ups every 2-3 weeks if you want your extensions to last. Are eyelash extensions for everyone? Not really, especially if you're a low maintenance, sporty gal. The lashes require a lot of attention. You don't want to sleep on them wrong and you can't get them wet the first two days. No mascara is allowed as well as any oil based makeup remover. But the good news is the lashes are so full and long that you will look fabulous without makeup."
Prices seemed to range from about $100 to $350 or so. And refills every two weeks are around $50 to even $150 or so!!! Here's another consumer:
"Help! I got eyelash extensions done 3 days ago and they are already falling out! I paid $350 thinking i was getting the best. I don't understand. My eyelashes were really short to begin with (that's why i got extensions) so i began to think thats why they are falling out...but then iread how people had no lashes at all and they work perfectly! I really need them refilled (and actually look good) by sept. 8th. Another thing is why do they hang so low in front of my eyes (they're always poking me!) And i can't curl them cause they'll break and i cant wear mascara cause they'll break. ANYONE just pleaseee help me out!"
There were all of these posts from women all over the country looking for salons that would do this process for them. There was even a post from someone in South Africa saying they were investigating the process. Apparently it started with - of all people - Paris Hilton. Enough said as far as I'm concerned.
Now I for one am not into big beauty procedures of any sort. For one, I'd much rather spend my money on other things, and I believe God would have me do the same. Two, I truly believe that one of the best ways I can glorify God, his creativity, and his power is to try and keep my body in the best, natural shape possible.
For those of you that know me, I've got some work to do on the "best shape" part. I'm finished nursing Everett now, so I'm planning on really concentrating on my own health this fall and hopefully getting into better shape - more on that later, I'm sure. But, I really think people's unique features, often features that people seek to hide, are what makes us interesting.
I can see the arguments of highlights, hair coloring, makeup, etc being used to enhance what you already have. I wear lip gloss and mascara to go out, and I'll wear blush in the winter when I look washed out. I know other people wear more because of various skin issues. I am all for undergarments that hold things in place. I'm even trying some "special" face wash and moisturizer right now from a main cosmetics company. It cost more than my oil of olay and regular soap, but the lady had asked and asked and they were having a sale - I finally gave in. It broke me out, but she said that happens the first couple of weeks because it's pulling all the bad stuff up from under your skin. Sounds crazy to me, but whatever.
It does really bother me though when "skin care salespeople" push erratically overpriced products under the guise of being "for your skin" when they are in pursuit of a car, a vacation, or whatever the promotion of their company of the month is. Now, I have friends that sell products from various major companies (BeautiControl, MaryKay, Arbonne, Avon, etc) and most are pretty respectful once I've said no. I don't have a problem with people having something to work for. I do dislike when the salepeople (or whatever their PC word is) have the wrong motives. My issue is with women preying on other women's insecurities of their skin not looking just right or not being healthy enough or AGH!!! using regular soap on your face (apparently a huge sin in the life of cosmetics). I understand people having problems and needing something to help. But, I find that in many cases, the people selling the products cannot look at my skin and tell me what's best or how to enhance this or that. Most of them have signed on because they want income they can get at home, and it promises new cars and exotic vacations. Which is fine, IF you have the passion to help people as your priority. I don't find that to be the case most of the time. Aside from that, I don't think anyone needs to spend $40 on a blush set or a "toner" to look beautiful. I truly appreciate natural beauty in people and hate to see it covered up with so much gunk! I just disagree! But, I am willing to agree to disagree on issues like these - to each her own.
But, paying $300 to put on eyelashes??? A) Who really notices your eyelashes that closely? Maybe not being a "makeup" kind of girl, I just don't get it. But, $300 on eyelashes??? And to have to go back and spend two hours every two weeks with your eyes taped down and pay $100 or so to refill them?? Every two weeks? NO WAY! but more importantly B) How does someone get to the point of feeling so badly about their own appearance that they've nitpicked down to their eyelashes aren't long enough? And, that it's somehow worth $300 plus around $150 a month to fix those horrible eyelashes. My goodness, I can only guess at the other procedures they have done.
Last but not least, and this has been said over and over, and I'll say it again - what in the WORLD are we teaching our young, impressionable teenage girls in this society?? I taught seventh grade girls last year and have tenth grade girls this year in connect groups. I've worked with youth at church since I was married, and I taught school for five years. My heart hurts to see the lengths some of them go to in order to look the part. They are so beautiful simply because of their youth, yet many of them can't see past what's not pasted onto their face.
All this to say that I really just encourage anyone reading to be yourself. Whether it be in how you fix your hair, what you wear on your face, your clothes, or the way you talk, walk, or laugh - be yourself! I know it's an easier message to preach than follow, but I think it is so much more freeing to just let go of all of those expectations and society's pre-determined standards. I think if there is anything I want to teach both my son and daughter, it's to be comfortable in their own skin. How to do that I'm not quite sure - I've got some time to figure it out, but I want to surround them with people who are confident with their own looks and personality as well.
I'll leave you with this: 1 Timothy 2:9-10 "I also want women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, but with good deeds, appropriate for a woman who PROFESS to worship God." Now, I have braids in my hair right now (and was thrilled to notice today that it is finally long enough to braid again). The point is not that it's unbiblical to want to look nice. The point is that we as women, as Christian women that is, should be more conscious of putting on love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control than we should of anything else. Don't try to gain respect, favor, or even self-esteem by your outside appearance. If you appear beautiful on the outside, please be beautiful on the inside as well. The best way to do that is spending time with Christ daily. Proverbs 31:30 "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."
I'm not speaking from a perspective that I have this all down, and I have plenty of work to do myself. Just an encouragement to us all, and a laugh at $350+ eyelashes. I'm sure others of you have different perspectives to share as well! Bring 'em!
Going to assess my measly eyelashes,
Sarah :)
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Zeke, our newest addition, is here! Check out some photos - read the captions for explanation of the pictures... Come by and say hi if you want! Zeke (click there!)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Katie Beth's room has become something of a war room lately. It's a huge issue to get her to clean it up. I've tried bribing, threatening, spanking, ignoring - you name it! One day this week, I had told her to clean her room. She said, “I am a queen!” as she put on her tiara. Going along with her role as I read in the magazine I was searching for advice last night said to do, I smartly replied in an exciting "mommy" voice, “Well, the queen needs to clean her castle!” Being the smart little three year old she is, she quickly replied, “Queens don’t clean up.” Hmm, what do I say to that? She's right. I came up with the brilliant, “Go Katie Beth, NOW.” After several warnings and several settings of the timer to no avail, I told her I was setting the timer and whatever was left on the floor, I would come take. She seemed genuinely motivated. I came back at the timer, and NOTHING was picked up. Not one thing. So, I got it all picked up in a laundry basket to my room. Instead of being upset, she pointed out things I hadn't picked up!!! What do I do with this strong-willed child of mine??
After talking to Jason and my friend Mary Julia, I decided that I would make her take and give some toys away. Dr. Dobson and Lisa Welchel in Creative Correction give the advice if they don't take care of their toys, give some away. So, I gathered up two grocery bags of toys – I tried to pick ones that meant something to her but that I didn’t care anything about. That was a challenge. I had her bag up all the toys that I had pulled out herself. She didn’t seem too bothered by anything so I talked to Jason again. We ended up putting in her favorite doggie from Mimi with plans to take it right back out without her seeing. So, I made her carry the bags herself to the car.
We got to Goodwill, and before Katie Beth got out, I got out and told the man that my daughter was learning a lesson from not cleaning and taking care of her toys and that she had to give some of hers away. I explained there was a dog that we were putting in there that I would take back. Well, he didn’t seem to quite get it, but I got Katie Beth out. I started to pull out the bags for her to carry them over, and he came and took them. I stopped him and told her she had to do it by herself, and he stopped for a second and then took the second bag anyway. Meanwhile, he was saying, “What a good, sweet girl you are to share! You’re sharing with other boys and girls, and they’ll be so happy. You are a sweet, sweet girl. Thank you so much! Thank you for being a sweet sharing girl!” Over and over – I was like can it dude.
So then she was still holding onto the dog and I told her to give the dog to the man. She looked at me for a minute with some reluctance. I said, “Go ahead Katie Beth, give him the dog.” She gave it to him really fast, and then she buried her face in my leg and cried really hard. This I was glad to see – that something did make her sad. I reminded her why we had to give her toys away and maybe we needed to take better care of the toys we had. However, the Goodwill man says to her, “Don’t cry little girl, I’m sure you’ll get a real dog someday soon.” WHAT??? That was great since we just gave Lucy away and Katie Beth is dying for a real dog. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to pay him much attention.
I told her to get in the car, and when she climbed in, I grabbed the dog from the man and stuck it in my purse. WHEW! He was confused, but that’s all right. He probably thinks I’m a horrible mother…
We got home and Jason was here. We gave her 15 minutes to clean out all three baskets, and she did it! I had to help “cheer” her on at 3 or 4-minute intervals, but she did almost all of it by herself. We helped her with things that she couldn’t do like all the crayons or things that were supposed to be up high. She seemed glad to have her things back and played with her kitchen a lot last night.
Some nice things about Katie Beth yesterday: She played with her brother a long time “taking him to school” which involved leading him around holding his hand while he carried a “lunchbox” and a stool (I don’t get the stool). The only bad part for Everett, as he enjoyed most of it, was when she actually got him to “school” where she took him to an empty room, left him, and closed the door. But, she only let him cry for a minute, and he always wanted to do it again. And she earned several marbles for having spurts of good manners. At bedtime, Mimi was still here. I told her to go to her room, take off her shorts, pick out a book, and get into bed. I went in fifteen or so minutes later and there she was, in her pajamas with a book, and just waiting for me. I gave her marbles for that too! So, she does have LOTS of good moments.
After talking to Jason and my friend Mary Julia, I decided that I would make her take and give some toys away. Dr. Dobson and Lisa Welchel in Creative Correction give the advice if they don't take care of their toys, give some away. So, I gathered up two grocery bags of toys – I tried to pick ones that meant something to her but that I didn’t care anything about. That was a challenge. I had her bag up all the toys that I had pulled out herself. She didn’t seem too bothered by anything so I talked to Jason again. We ended up putting in her favorite doggie from Mimi with plans to take it right back out without her seeing. So, I made her carry the bags herself to the car.
We got to Goodwill, and before Katie Beth got out, I got out and told the man that my daughter was learning a lesson from not cleaning and taking care of her toys and that she had to give some of hers away. I explained there was a dog that we were putting in there that I would take back. Well, he didn’t seem to quite get it, but I got Katie Beth out. I started to pull out the bags for her to carry them over, and he came and took them. I stopped him and told her she had to do it by herself, and he stopped for a second and then took the second bag anyway. Meanwhile, he was saying, “What a good, sweet girl you are to share! You’re sharing with other boys and girls, and they’ll be so happy. You are a sweet, sweet girl. Thank you so much! Thank you for being a sweet sharing girl!” Over and over – I was like can it dude.
So then she was still holding onto the dog and I told her to give the dog to the man. She looked at me for a minute with some reluctance. I said, “Go ahead Katie Beth, give him the dog.” She gave it to him really fast, and then she buried her face in my leg and cried really hard. This I was glad to see – that something did make her sad. I reminded her why we had to give her toys away and maybe we needed to take better care of the toys we had. However, the Goodwill man says to her, “Don’t cry little girl, I’m sure you’ll get a real dog someday soon.” WHAT??? That was great since we just gave Lucy away and Katie Beth is dying for a real dog. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to pay him much attention.
I told her to get in the car, and when she climbed in, I grabbed the dog from the man and stuck it in my purse. WHEW! He was confused, but that’s all right. He probably thinks I’m a horrible mother…
We got home and Jason was here. We gave her 15 minutes to clean out all three baskets, and she did it! I had to help “cheer” her on at 3 or 4-minute intervals, but she did almost all of it by herself. We helped her with things that she couldn’t do like all the crayons or things that were supposed to be up high. She seemed glad to have her things back and played with her kitchen a lot last night.
Some nice things about Katie Beth yesterday: She played with her brother a long time “taking him to school” which involved leading him around holding his hand while he carried a “lunchbox” and a stool (I don’t get the stool). The only bad part for Everett, as he enjoyed most of it, was when she actually got him to “school” where she took him to an empty room, left him, and closed the door. But, she only let him cry for a minute, and he always wanted to do it again. And she earned several marbles for having spurts of good manners. At bedtime, Mimi was still here. I told her to go to her room, take off her shorts, pick out a book, and get into bed. I went in fifteen or so minutes later and there she was, in her pajamas with a book, and just waiting for me. I gave her marbles for that too! So, she does have LOTS of good moments.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Summer pics - Check out these pictures from this past summer: (SOMEONE PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THIS DOESN'T WORK - STILL LEARNING HERE!!!)
May and early June pics - spring/summer
Beach pics June - beach
more summer, 4th of July, VBS - July
Everett's birthday - ONE!
End of summer - July
I didn't do red-eye or cropping on any of these - sorry! If there's one you want to order and you want improved, let me know!
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