Monday, August 14, 2006

If you are up late at night, unable to sleep, what do you do to fill your time???

For me, as I am tonight, I am playing around on the internet. Getting to chill and search randomly as I don't get to do this during the day! :)


Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to say that sleeping is always pretty easy for me. Guess that's the lazy part of me right? Ha! Well, now, if I can't sleep, I'll have something to do. This is a really cool idea. It's my first experience with a blog. I've been wondering what exactly they are. Now I know. Can't wait to see what all of your thoughts are. Debbie

Bill Seaver said...

Welcome to the blogoshpere. Melanie told me you were doing this and I think it's great. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

hey slacker blogger. i'm up late and unable to sleep so i came here for some reading only to find out there have been no updates.
slightly disapointed, but love you none the less.

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said...

I tend to stay on the internet way too long. I visit other blogs, check my email and search for random facts like what are all the different parts of the flower to share with my daughter.