Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So, Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter... tragic that he died and left his wife with two small children to care for on her own. I'm sure they are financially stable. I heard on the radio this morning that the little girl that is 8 is about to start her own "animal" show on the Discovery Channel following in the footsteps of her father. This is due to her own passion for animals. Steve Irwin was a great defender of the animals and a big environmentalist. He has been touted as a great educator as well. I'm sure all these are true, although I will not say that just because he died that I loved his shows. I at the time thought he was stupid for taking the risks he did, especially holding his baby while wrestling crocodiles, and the show in general kind of grated on my nerves. But, that's okay, he did a lot of good for animals apparently.

What gets me is the reaction to his death. Yes, it is sad, but the Australians are treating him as a national icon of sorts. Like all the flags in a particular area are flying half mast in his honor, etc. They gave out 5,000 tickets or so within 15 minutes to his memorial. Okay, so the guy was popular. A little skewed there, but I guess he brought Australia a lot of attention.

BUT, the most appalling thing to me is that people are so SHOCKED that he died. People feel so sorry for him and his family. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish that on anyone and sympathize for their loss. But, here's where we have to look at reality. The guy went out and jumped on crocodiles and all kinds of animals. The piece he was filming at this time was "Ocean's Deadliest". In fact, the article in USA Today stated one of his crewman saying "we always said that if he goes, it would be in the ocean..."He went on to say that he was really light on his feet on land, but just not as quick or competent in the ocean. Yet, where was he? Swimming with STINGRAYS! The pity-iers have said that people swim with and/or pet sting rays all the time, but the sting rays' stingers are cut off. Big difference there.

Again, I'm not saying that I don't recognize it as a sad situation, but duh, aren't you kind of asking for something like that to happen? When you play with fire you're going to get burned! Was anyone shocked to hear that he had died? And, if so, WHY? I heard it and was sad for the family but not surprised in the least bit. I'm surprised he made it this long.

Anyway, prayers for his family. I don't know whether or not he was a Christian. Stacey on WAY-FM was going on and on about being sad about his death this morning, but nothing was mentioned as to whether or not he was a Christian. This I am curious and care about. Of course, it's too late for him now, but we could pray in a particular direction for his family.

Enough rambling... CRIKEY! :)


Anonymous said...

Well since this blog is a place to post your opinion...I wanted to add mine!

I agree that Steve's death was indeed tragic. I also agree that his career, and life's passion, routinely put his life in danger. I think the reason that everyone is so shocked- and myself included- is due to the IRONY of Steve Irwin's death.

The stingrays he was swimming above is not known to attack- usually when threatened the stingray will flee. And he didn't even get stung which is what comes to mind you think of stingrays. Irwin was struck by the barb at the end of the stingray's tail- but even that might now have killed him. He died from the BARB going into his HEART. The timing, and placement of the stingray, and also the rarity of something like this happening is what shocked me. Steve Irwin the croc hunter died of a "freak" accident. Seriously ironic if you ask me. Had he died from a crocodile bite...okay wouldn't be suprised.

This was my thoughts on the issue. My prayers are with the Irwin family.
-Lori Rainey

Anonymous said...

Ok, gotta say that I love the guy! I think that he has done so much to promote conservation as well as teaching us about ALL of God's little creatures. Maybe the creatures that we are not so fond of, but, no less, all of the creatures. Because of his genuine passion, I do have to say that I now have a true appreciation for reptiles (and other bizarre animals) that I did not previously have.

In addition, he seemed to be so enthuisiastic about everything in his life! Not just animals and conservation, but also about the people in his life. He truly loved his family and friends and wasn't a bit afraid to show it. I admire that in a man! If I only had half of his passion, drive, enthusiasm, and love I'd be a much better person.

I agree that his death was a freak accident, but maybe it's a lesson for the rest of us to treat each day as your last - because you never know.

I'm sure that his legacy will live on (especially through his children). And what about little Bindi... Is she not too cute! How great that she could get up there at the Memorial Service and say those awesome things about her daddy, then go console her mom. What a girl!

I do feel like he is a true hero for wildlife! I, with my kids, will continue to watch his repeats on Animal Planet.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family. Debbie

Sarah said...

I agree, very ironic. I guess I was just not a lover of the show for whatever reason. That makes a difference. Again, I feel for the situation. Just am surprised by the overwhelming, widespread, reaction. Someone compared it to Princess Di's death - a whole other topic to delve into!

Anonymous said...

Hey could you post the pic of you petting the wild cheetah on your trip to Africa? Was this before or after you had kids? This sounds a lot like Steve Irwin and his adventures.