Thursday, February 01, 2007

Snow Day!!!! For everyone!!! Except Metro!!! Where I teach!!! Yea!!!! :( This is a real bummer day for me - I was so counting on a snow day! My kids are home, although with no snow, and I was hoping to join them. I figured I had two choices - think up mean revengeful things for all the forecasters who SAID we would get 1-2", gave driving warnings, and even predicted "messy conditions" on Friday as well - come on! I could think up all kinds of mean thoughts for them. Uncle Paul is our saving grace keeping the kids today - THANK YOU!! I know they will have fun with him.

INSTEAD of mean thoughts, I thought I would share the white Christmas we had at our house - hadn't gotten around to posting Christmas pictures yet... I will soon... since it's February! If you live in the area, you won't recall a white Christmas... nope, it only snowed at the Underhills... (Okay, Jason got me gift that came in a huge box with a billion styrofoam packing peanuts... we let the kids dump it all out and play in it... super fun!)

Uncle Paul helping to spread the "snow"!

My sweet SNOW ANGELS!!!

Snowflakes that stick to our nose and eyelashes... and the back of our head... due to static electricity!! What fun!

The kids did help clean up afterwards which was a MUCH bigger chore than I thought it would be... this was one of my most fun Christmas memories... lots of others that I'll share - hopefully before June, but I thought these were great for today.


Anonymous said...

You might not have had a snow day yesterday but you get one today!! Yay for you! And this is my last day at work!

Anonymous said...

It snowed today!! Yay!! I love the pictures from Christmas! Love you!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your beautiful children. THEY are such a blessing. You are truly able to see the world in a new perspective when you look through the eyes of children. Love you!! Lori

Anonymous said...

PS- when DO you get to school??? posting a comment at 5 in the morning!! Geeeeeeeezeee!! Love you--Lori

Anonymous said...

Haha- I love the nice excerpt from one of my favorite movies "snow flakes that stay on our nose and eyelashes"
How fun.
Hope you're doing well. Here's a big kiss on the cheek from me to you...MWAH! :-)
- Audrey