THE BIG 3-0!!!
Yep, I'm 30. I have had a REALLY hard time with this. I know that is stupid and just seems vain in a way, but it has been a somewhat depressing birthday. Having to go to work on my birthday for the first time in a few years didn't help either and missing my babies, but I'm really having trouble with just the 30 part!
BUT, I also realized today that up until now, I have been in the age range category of the 20-29 year olds. My health, looks, weight, abilities, etc. have been within the framework of twenty-somethings. And, getting towards the TOP of that range was a little depressing. I would meet people 22 and think, oh, they are close to my age, but there was a world of difference. I now realize that being in the 30's, and being at the BOTTOM of that range is not so bad! I am the YOUNG one in the 30's and don't have to compare with 20 year old anymore. Not that I compare, but I just feel I can relax a little on weight and exercise issues. So, yea! Benefits of thirties! Eat that all you twenty-something friends.... :)
I must say that I am literally typing this with a piece of cake in my lap!! :)
Must give a big recognition to the hubby for throwing a FABULOUS surprise birthday party with my family. He literally did the most PERFECT birthday he could have. Like I couldn't have made it any better myself! Thanks babe! And thanks to all the fam who came and shared the evening! LOVE YOU!
Don't feel bad for being sad about 30. I was sad about turning 25..now that's bad!
Hey! Don't feel sad! Thirty isn't so bad (neither is thirty-three for that matter). Ha! You just have to look at it as a new chapter - a whole different way of looking at life. You can reflect on what you have done and accomplished in your last thiry years and plan what you want to do in your next thiry years. Look at all that you have to look forward to in your life ahead! There's so much out there! I know that I can't wait!! Debbie
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