School update - well, it's gone well. I have good kids in a good school with a good team. I even found out last week that I get to teach the highest level kids in Language Arts. I had them for the first time today and just thought I would almost laugh at how easy God is trying to make this on me. I have the top 25 kids or so in my class! It's almost hilarious when I see how God is working. They are going to be a good group to work with, and I will be able to use a lot of Language Arts materials from my experience with teaching older students. I am really growing to love my regular class as well. I love getting to know the students, finding out what makes them tick and what motivates them, and figuring out the best way to teach something. I do love love love to teach! It is a passion of mine.
The difference in teaching now and the first time is that teaching is not my primary passion. Jason and the kids are definitely my primary passion after my relationship with God. I think about them throughout the day. I get up extra early to get to school extra early to get my work done while they are asleep so that I can leave the minute I am allowed to get home to them. It's just different.
Last week was really hard, and there were lots of tears shed - mostly by me!! But, Friday and Monday I went without crying, and actually experienced some moments of realizing I was dressed up and at a workplace which was fun - that's something I think most stay at home moms miss a little bit. A nice change of pace. And, I do have moments where I catch myself having fun with the kids and having fun teaching! I think it will only improve, and I praise God for His TENDER LOVING mercies through this time.
Still keep the house situation in your prayers. The TX house is a huge dilemma right now, and we are really still praying about the best decision and route to go. The IL house has a contract on it which will be a great relief to my dad and Peggi. They have lost a lot of money on it which is really a hard thing, but I think they are glad to just be done with it. Just pray the sale goes through.
Thanks again for all your prayers!
I'm so happy things are working out with your new teaching job. God has amazing plans for you! Love you!
Wow! What a group! They look like fun! See, things are looking up for ya'll! And don't worry, that Texas house will sell at the right time. Everything has worked out so far. Just keep looking forward! Debbie
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