Friday, September 15, 2006

So, here's a question - I keep hearing things about the public opinion polls on George W's approval rating. My question is, who do they ask about that? You would think if they do TRUE public opinion polls that someone I know at some point in the last 20 years would have gotten a call to ask their opinion. Right? I've never gotten a call - never talked to anyone that's gotten a call. I listen to the telemarketers long enough to know what they are selling. So, have YOU ever gotten a public opinion poll call??

Good news is that the Prez's approval rating has increased from 30% to 40% - at least from those random people that are getting polled that I've never heard of...


Anonymous said...

Can't say that I've ever been polled. I really like "W"! Wish they would poll me, maybe I could help in his ratings. Debbie

Anonymous said...

kI have actually received calls asking to give opinions on the President. I don't know why they chose us, but they did. Jenni

Sarah said...

Of course. Why didn't I think of that? If there is one person in all of my friends that would get a call asking her opinion about the president, it would be Jenni Jones! She is the luckiest girl around winning things left and right. Of course it is Jenni!!! :)